With a win by Trump over Harris, one thing is for sure - this nation is irretrievably divided by those who value democracy and freedom and those who put a premium on dictatorship and authoritarian rule.
When lewd and crude remarks and felonies don’t bend the needle towards civility and justice - something is seriously amiss. And unfortunately America, that’s where we are!
Doing Things Differently…
I ask myself the question, Would I have done anything differently if I were in charge? First, I would have made peace with the fact that America is just not ready or able to elect a woman president - let alone one of mixed race. I would have made peace with the fact that knowing the media is irretrievably broken, and urge Congress to pass major legislation to prompt the FTC and FCC to create regulatory rules; rules to address misinformation in political advertising, just as they would if buying a used car. I certainly would not have chosen Merrick Garland, who has been slow and misguided on every turn. If I had, he would have swiftly been gone.
But one maxim should always hold true: truth is advertising laws in selling merchandise need be applied to political speech - particularly for candidates running for the nation’s highest office. I would have lobbied to breaking-up big Tech - just as years ago when it was done with Big Telephone. Far worse than the Bell telephone monopoly, now giant monopolies in News Media are owned by billionaires and conglomerates - some not even American - are driving people into silos, insulating them from the facts, truth and the other side of the coin. But it was Reagan who started that ball rolling, with the FCC under his administration repealing the Fairness doctrine in News. However, that fairness doctrine would only apply to broadcast TV - providing equal time for public information, but it would not apply to programs on cable - such as Fox News.
And let’s face it, many Americans are less intellectually curious and outright lazy - would rather be spoon-fed with someone else’s opinion, rather than using any deductive reasoning skills, to form one of their own. For that, Fox News serves that purpose well. A band of bantering couch potatoes sitting on a sofa, spewing and propagating catchy slogans and falsehoods, requiring nothing of value for the listener to understand and dissect on their own. Combined with an electorate who covers their eyes and ears when a candidate calls war heroes “loser and suckers,” one who stoked a violent mob bent on hanging his own Vice President, or taking classified documents to his private club and storing them in plain sight. Not to mention a presidential ‘candidate’ speaking in private with authoritarian adversaries, when he had no official role to do so at all. When people who worked with him, including top generals speak out about gross incompetence and disloyalty to the nation…when all this doesn’t bend the needle towards facts and truth in electing a candidate - apparently, nothing will.
Disbandment Coming
And now when Trump gets to disband the department of education, we’ll see a further erosion of intellectual discussion, because books will be banned just as in Florida - and those who wish to be educated, will be left on their own. But that won’t affect the huddled masses who enjoy being spoon-fed lies and deceptions, as long as their grocery bill is a bit lower, they are alright with more dumbing-down.
And let’s not forget those who have pre-existing conditions. Once Obamacare meets the road, insurance companies will deny them care, and they will be left to die on their own. Remember, Trump does not like the disabled, he even told his own nephew to let his disabled son die…
America - you have devolved, and it looks like it will never get any better. I am sad for this nation, and even those who were 'hoodwinked' by the entertainment channels posing as legitimate media. It is they who got All Americans into this mess. But it is those who voted it in, who will in time feel the most betrayed. I have no doubt that in time, this election outcome will be a case of buyers’ remorse.
On the Flip Side of This Outcome
Could all of this really be part of God’s plan? What if the whole purpose of this election wase to wake up those slumbering on their rights - thinking they would be forever there, just as they have for nearly 250 years. Perhaps this forthcoming autocracy will galvanize Americans together once and for all, to fight against real and imminent oppression - unmask the ‘true’ enemies who will be the oppressors - so that Americans no longer frivolously turn their wrath and fury on each other…
Copyright 2024 - Mary Kay Elloian, MBA, JD, Esq. The Legal Edition - Legal, Business & Policy News - TheLegalEdition.com
Unless half of America rises up, and makes demands …
The hard truth is: the outcome of this election shows that lies and mistruths were able to be peddled as truth and fact. The media has done a grave disservice to our nation. Just as the the big Bells were broken up as a monopoly, it is long past time media behemoths owned and directed by billionaires and those whose first allegiance is not to America had shared the same fate. But alas, that would never be the case. And had the FCC and FTC held political advertising to the same standard as selling a used car peddled as new - we'd be in a different place. But the bell has tolled, recess is over - time to pay the piper. I had always wondered why Merrick Garland had been left in place, as his delays were inexcusable, his focus unimaginable. However, I am sad for this nation, and even those who were 'hoodwinked' by the entertainment channels posing as legitimate media - it is those who will in time feel betrayed the most. This outcome will be a case of buyers remorse even though it's too late. But perhaps the whole purpose of this election - was to eventually wake Americans up - to galvanize them together, to fight against real and imminent oppression once and for all.