This is Why Voting Matters....
Chips Act and Semiconductors Made at Home - Low Wage Earners Getting Overtime Pay - Clean Air & Water: Trump Voters Got 'Hoodwinked' - No Surprise There
Recently, a multi-billion dollar deal was solidified with the Taiwan Semiconductor company to create at least three revolutionary new semiconductor plants in the state of Arizona. For those that don’t know, Taiwan has the most coveted and best semi-conductors in the world. As Biden predicted, bringing their manufacture to the US, would ensure that the chips are always available to Americans, while also bringing jobs and revitalizing manufacturing here in the US.
To be precise, a $6.6 billion dollar deal was made by the Biden administration for which the Taiwanese company will invest ten times that, for about $65 billion. To most thinking people, that would be a good strategic investment in a much needed industry here in the US - one that not only will stimulate jobs growth here at home but prevent hostile nations from crippling the US if Taiwan ever is taken over by China.
Let the Chips Fall Where They May…
But of course, anything the Biden administration does, is not to Trump’s liking - just like it was with Obama. So in true Trump fashion, he told podcaster Joe Rogan when he sat down with him last month, that it was a “bad deal” - obviously because he didn’t make it. If his derogation of Biden’s work seems reminiscent, just reflect back a few months before on the bipartisan immigration bill that Trump killed with a tweet. For all those who don’t pay attention and just vote party lines, Trump killed a much needed immigration bill by telling his cohorts in Congress to not pass it - even though Trump claims drugs and criminals are pouring into the nation, flooding the border and killing American people.
If the border problem is so critical - with criminals and drugs pouring into this nation, Wouldn’t the righteous thing to do, be to fix it immediately? If such a problem is as critical as he portends, it is inconceivable that he told his flunkies he’d rather run on the problem - than literally let Biden fix it to save countless lives. Obviously, he doesn’t really care about American safety, he just wants to make himself sound good.
It is also no secret, that he told House speaker Mike Johnson that he didn’t like the Chips and Science Act. And as any good flunky and lapdog should do, Johnson said he would work to repeal it, but then changed his tune after multiple Senators pushed back. This is where it gets important for voters to pay attention. Speaker Johnson did an about-face, only after Republican lawmakers objected to a repeal, because it was bringing jobs and hence money to their respective districts and states. So people at least in Arizona should rest easy that Biden put the plan in place and their own elected official held the line, instead of kowtowing to Trump. But those who voted for Trump in hopes that he had their back, should know that he was poised to throw them under the bus.
For voters concerned about being heard…
It should come as no surprise to at least 50% of the voting-nation, that a Trump-appointed federal judge struck down a Biden administration rule that would have given 4 million low-paid salaried workers the ability to be eligible for overtime pay. So people, if you thought he was going to look out for you - you got that wrong too. The Biden rule raised the salary level below which an employer has to pay overtime from $35,568 to $43,888 this year and up to $58,656 in 2025. The decision was made by a ‘Trump appointed” Texas judge: Sean D. Jordan. The federal minimum wage has been lagging behind, but businesses claim they will go out of business if raised. Yet states can raise and do raise the minimums, as many states have already done.
Unfortunately for low-paid salary workers, this recent ruling claims Department of Labor (DOL) has overstepped its bounds resulting a nation-wide halting on this proposed rule going forward - unless and until it is successfully appealed. But by that time, Trump will be in office, and everyone knows as he has stated repeatedly, he doesn’t like paying workers more money - if he pays them at all.
He Never Had Your Back - No Matter How Many Times He Told You So…
What most people fail to understand, is that Donald has never had your back. He lies with impunity and only does what is beneficial to him and his billionaire buds. For those who voted for him and thought he was going to help the little guy - the working guy or gal - you were fooled again too. Just as those who thought their grandparents who came here illegally decades ago, thought they were safe, as they “believed” they had committed no crimes - they “forgot” that coming to the US illegally is a crime in itself, and as a result, they are going to get deported too.
Clean Air, Water Green Energy - He Wants to Dismantle That Too
If you ever were delusional enough to think that Trump was for clean air and water, just look what he did the last time around. Rolled back over 100 environmental rules, and now he wants to do even more. He will likely slow progress on green energy initiatives. Can only wonder if the nation and the EPA will last another four.
They Got What They Voted For….
So Trump voters you got what you voted for, but apparently not what you wanted. But don’t say you weren’t warned, because Harris, and a group of ‘truth-telling’ evangelists - including myself, told you so. So this is what you get when trusting a 34 count convicted felon, a civilly adjudged rapist, a man who conned everyone at Trump University, and who even raided his own charity. If you thought he was going to be good for the working Joe, or defer deportation of your ‘law-abiding grandma’ - you’ve got another thing coming.
As I warned you repeatedly, had you changed the channel from Fox, Truth Social, X, and all crazy lunatic media, you would have gained a working perspective and voted for Harris. A woman who’s devoted her life to public service - and just not serving herself. A woman who tells truths, versus a man who tells only lies.
America, You Covered Your Ears
The vote was clear, but America you chose to ignore. Now you will reap the injustices brought on yourself and justifiably so. Because you chose to believe a serial liar, cheat and felon, you made your bed. When you retire each night, think about the day you cast your vote for Trump. You voted for him because you didn’t like the price of eggs or milk, you didn’t like the way the war was being prosecuted in Israel and Gaza, and you didn’t like what was happening at the border. But now for once, think about what may happen to your mother or your daughter…
Hit in the Pocketbook
But now you will be paying at least 20% in tariffs costing Americans $3,000 more which will effectively lower household incomes. And thanks to Project 2025, Americans will have more dirty water, will be getting paid less and skyrocketing inflation, and having less rights than generations before. So America, Congratulations. You elected your first pathological liar and felon as commander-in-chief. You voted, but clearly didn’t think character was important. Perhaps if you had gotten your priorities straight and ‘paid attention’ to all the warnings - including mine - you would have put yourself and the world in better stead. But alas, that ship has sailed, the voyage has begun. Now we all must endure the tsunami of what four more years will bring.
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